Whew! If I thought life was busy simply being a mother of twins...life as a working mother of twins is insane. Where have the last 5 weeks gone?! Most days I lay down to sleep, moments after putting the boys in their cribs, and I wonder where the day went. My week days are a blur. But somehow, I am doing it. I am managing to be a good mom AND a good teacher.
I can't believe I haven't written for a month. (Did I just write that? Seriously? Um, wait a minute...didn't I just say life is an insane blur?!) The boys are growing and changing, but to be honest, the most notable events happened in the last week.
First, the boys turned 9 months on October 21. 9 months! Their 9 month appointment isn't for another week yet, so I will have to write again once we get the official 9 month stats.
Next, I took a break. My first real break in 9 months. I actually left the boys for a weekend. My mom and I went to Minnesota to celebrate my cousin Celine's wedding. It was a wonderful family reunion, and we even did a little bit of shopping along the way! By the time we got home Sunday evening, I was ready to cuddle with my babies...but I had a really great time. Thanks, Dave, for allowing me to get away.
Then, I came home for lunch on Monday morning and found that Russ had cut his two bottom incisors. Teeth! How exciting!
Finally, Mannie saw the orthotist on Tuesday and he said the helmet treatment is over! Yay! He looks great. I am enjoying seeing my little guy's head and snuggling my face into his soft hair and neck.
Other news:
- The boys are such good eaters! They eat rice cereal + fruit for breakfast, and rice cereal + veggie for dinner. Throughout the day they drink 4 bottles, each around 6-7 oz.
- Once we started feeding the boys food, they stopped sleeping through the night! But they do sleep for 7-10 hour stretches, so I really can't complain. Plus, Dave is really good at getting up with whichever boy wakes first.
- We are really close to sitting and crawling. Both boys can prop sit, and they are starting to want to sit up. With more practice, they're going to get it! As far as moving goes...Mannie scoots in circles. Tonight Russell was scooting backwards.
- Mannie has an upcoming appointment at Minneapolis Children's Hospital. Dr. Sidman is going to scope his airway, to be sure the cyst is not returning and also monitor the growth of Mannie's airway. Be thinking of us the first weekend in November.
- We can't wait for Halloween! The boys have their costumes ready, and we will venture out to a few friends' homes to show off their cuteness. I mean, check them out below - aren't they darling?!