Monday, June 21, 2010

five months!

Seriously, how can it be that my boys are five months old already?! The days are flying by and the boys are growing so fast. I am doing my best to enjoy every simple pleasure of motherhood - each coo, smile, and cuddle.

Size. Mannie was weighed at a doctor's appointment last week and he was 13# 1.6 oz. At their previous weigh in about two weeks ago, Russell was 12# but ahead of the Man by about 8 oz. So it is possible Russ may be close to 14# now. Their 3 mos clothing is getting snug and soon we'll be breaking out their 6 mos outfits. Two weeks ago, both boys measured 22 in. Mannie's head is 38 cm and Russell's is 40.5 cm. We were excited that Russ's head actually made the charts for 4 month olds, landing him in the 10th percentile. WooHoo!

Eating/Sleeping The boys eat/drink 30-35 oz every day. Typically they have 5 oz every feeding. The boys like to nap between most of their feedings during the day. Then they are usually awake in the evening. They like to go for rides in the stroller or sometimes they hang out in the garden with their dad. Lately they've been going down for the night around 8-9 p.m. and then we are sometimes lucky enough to get a big sleep until their early morning feeding at 3-4 a.m.

Hair/Eyes. The boys are really getting a lot of hair on the top of their heads, and their hair is getting darker, too. Sometimes we like to spike it with a little bit of baby lotion after their baths (it reminds us of how Nurse Jan styled their hair in the NICU). Their eyes are getting to be brown instead of blue.

We are wearing size 1-2, but will move on to 2s as soon as our case of 1-2s is gone.

Health. Since my last post, poor Mannie has had two laser laryngoscopies due to a cyst below his vocal cords. We have been traveling to Children's Hospital in Minneapolis for the procedures. We will return to the Twin Cities on July 2 so the doctors can have a third look at the cyst - hopefully this time it will not be obstructing his airway.

Other than the cyst, the boys have been very healthy. We feel so blessed.

Other details. We are having fun getting the boys to smile and coo - it is so rewarding when they respond! The boys are getting little personalities. "The Man" likes to flirt with ladies. He smiles and babbles with whoever is listening, but definitely likes women best. He has been charming nurses at the Children's Hospital, making him a very popular guy. "Fussy Russy" can be very personable and entertaining...that is, when he isn't fussy. He has been enjoying special attention from his grandparents while Mom and Dad are with Mannie in Minneapolis.

1 comment:

  1. Love the update! It's hard for me to remember that they're only a month younger than Lauren! It sounds like they are doing really well - I only wish I lived closer so I could snuggle them up!
